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     TSDWIN tries to keep track of the mouse cursor flag for you. If
     you hide the cursor with _twM2(), the internal mouse cursor flag
     is decremented by 1. This decrement is cumulative. If you hide the
     cursor twice, to must 'unhide' it twice to display it. TSDWIN high
     level mouse cursor functions keep track of the number of times you
     make a call to hide the cursor. HOWEVER, if you hide it with
     _twM2(), the count is NOT kept properly.




     A logical telling whether the TSDWIN cursor flag indicates ON or
     OFF. If you have trouble with the cursor display, try unhiding the
     cursor again.



See Also: twMCrsOff() twMCursor() _twM1() _twM2()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson